Registration for xAPI Hands-On Learning & Application (HOLA!)

Course Dates: October 14, October 28, November 11, November 25, December 9, January 13, and February 10
Course Price: $1200

The Hands-On Learning & Application (HOLA!) Workshop covers everything from the basics of What is xAPI? to Building an xAPI Roadmap for your organization. Along the way, learners will brainstorm business questions that can be answered with learning data, create an xAPI enabled prototype, and explore data within a Learning Record Store (LRS). Lessons include both passive (e.g., video, written content) and active (e.g., chat/reflection questions, interactive Storyline) learning activities in an easy-to-use learning platform. This experience is facilitator-guided, but also includes a cohort-like, “we’re in this together,” interactive learning experience.

Plan to spend 12-18 hours in this workshop, spread out over the course of a few months. We'll kick off on October 14 with an initial orientation session and then meet bi-weekly to discuss what you're learning.

Return to the HOLA Workshop description page
Contact TorranceLearning about customizing HOLA for your team

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